Meeting opened 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Attending Officers: Jerry Steinauer, Art Grover, Jim Willut, Greg Newton, Rex Roberson 
Members: M Williams, P Ellis, B Kavanegh, D Shake

Prior Months Minutes: Read and approved

Treasurer Report- Approved
Treasurer reported our year end balance is $46,693

New members voted in:
Jason Munchoff, Fred Balmos, Dave DePetro, Jeff Bintz, Kevin Burgess. That makes 86 renewals and 14 new members YTD.

Old Business:
Nominations for officer positions opened, none brought forward. Unanimous affirmative votes for this slate of officers for 2023.
Jerry Steinauer, President 
Art Grover, Vice President 
Jim Willut, Treasurer 
Greg Newton, Secretary 
Doug Drier, Executive Officer 

Vote taken on the three Bylaws changes was unanimous to adopt them. There will be another vote in February and if 2/3 of the members voting affirm the bylaws change will be officially adopted. First change is that NRA membership is encouraged ( not required ). Second is that membership renewal  is due on January 1 ( not March ).  Third change allows members to be informed of bylaws changes via email/ mail ( not mail only).

New Business:
The Gun Show has been cancelled for 2023 due to conflict of scheduling with large front-range gun shows.

The Board has approved up to $750 to purchase a riding lawnmower. This would really help the setup of 5 stand, allowing us to have it more often. Anyone that has information on a unit, let a Board officer know.

Meeting adjourned 8:06pm

BVSC Board Meeting Minutes - January 04, 2023